Weight Loss

  1. weight loss tips
  2. weight loss surgery


forms['bmi_form']if ( typeof( window['user_units'] ) == "undefined" ) {var units = "1";} else { var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(); var units = prefs.. com*/function show_help() {var helpstr = "Enter your height To solve for BMI, enter your weight and press the BMI button.

  1. weight loss tips
  2. weight loss surgery
  3. weight loss supplements

height1 value = prefs getString("user_height_ft");}if ( typeof( window['user_height_in'] ) == "undefined" ) {// do nothing} else { var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(); form.. height1 value = prefs getString("user_height_cm");}}}function toggleUnits() {var unitLabel = document.. getString("user_units");}if (units == "1") {// English Unitsdocument getElementById("units_label").. getElementById(idName);targetElement style display = 'none'; }}function initialize() {var form = document.

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mattkruse com/javascript/validations/source htmlExcept for the isBlank function, which you can get from the above site, you may not copy this code without written permission from Vertex42.. innerHTML = "kg";document getElementById("height_units") innerHTML = "cm";hideID('inch_field');if ( typeof( window['user_height_cm'] ) == "undefined" ) {// do nothing} else { var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(); form.. style display = 'block'; }}function hideID(idName){ if (document getElementById) {var targetElement = document.. getElementById("height_units") innerHTML = "feet";showID('inch_field');if ( typeof( window['user_height_ft'] ) == "undefined" ) {// do nothing} else { var prefs = new _IG_Prefs(); form.

weight loss surgery

/*Copyright (c) 2009 Vertex42, LLC All Rights Reserved isBlank function from: http://www.. getElementById("units_label") innerHTML = "ENGLISH";document getElementById("weight_units").. \n\nQuestions? Comments? Contact us at \nhttp://www vertex42 com/about html";alert(helpstr);}function isBlank(val){if(val==null) { return true; }for(var i=0;i. getElementById) {var targetElement = document getElementById(idName);targetElement.

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charAt(i)!="\r")){return false;}}return true;}function isNum(x){/* Tests for Numeric, and does not fail on blank */filter = /(^\-?\d+\.. To solve for a goal weight, enter the desired BMI, and press the Weight button The BMI scale provides the standard categories for underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese.. length;i++) {if ((val charAt(i)!=' ')&&(val charAt(i)!="\t")&&(val charAt(i)!="\n")&&(val.. ?$)|(^\-?\d*\ \d+$)/;if (filter test(x)) {return true;}return false;}function showID(idName){ if (document.. height2 value = prefs getString("user_height_in");}} else {// Metric Unitsdocument.. innerHTML = "METRIC";document getElementById("weight_units") innerHTML = "lbs";document. 5ebbf469cd
